Managing WordPress Updates For Your Website

You’re finally done creating your new website. Congratulations! You put in a lot of hard work and now that it’s done, you want to show it off to the world. We’ve talked a lot about how you can grow your site once it’s published, but what about managing technical updates your site needs to function […]
How Often Should You Update Your Website?

Websites aren’t just a portfolio of your business or an online store. They’re an extension of your business. Since you’ve started your business, you’ve probably added new services, have more work samples to showcase customers, or changed your logo and branding. If you’ve made all these changes to your business, why aren’t they reflected on […]
What is a DDos Attack and How Can I Protect My Website?

I was launching a client’s website recently, and the topic of security came up. “Who’s going to hack my site?” he asked “It’s very small.” Our idea of malicious hackers destroying websites feels specifically targeted, but it’s not always. In the case of a small client like this one, if his website was hacked, he […]
What Are Core Web Vitals and How Will They Change Your Site Performance

When customers call Nextfly with a current website they usually want either a new website or help with their rankings on Google. If their website is old, is slow to load, and has links that don’t work, a new website will help boost their rankings on Google. How? Because Google takes user experience into account […]
[FIXED] Revslider PHP Fatal error: Uncaught Error: [] operator not supported for strings in base-admin.class.php

If after updating your PHP version to 7.0+ you may notice your Revslider doesn’t work anymore or you can no longer log in to your admin dashboard with only a white screen being displayed. If you want to see the what the error(s) are, you can FTP into your WordPress install (or use File Manager […]
Stop and Smell The Roses

As a Phoenix-based Web Design Company, we are lucky to be able to work from home and basically have business as usual. Our job really does not require an office, but we do like the “team” atmosphere as corny as it may sound. I miss the ease of walking over to my co-worker’s office and […]
Stay Away From These Common SEO Black Hat Practices

Stay Away From These Common SEO Black Hat Practices A lot of new online marketers and businesses enter the SEO industry with on goal in mind: getting on the page 1 search results of Google, as quickly as possible. There was a time when unethical tactics or what you may call Black Hat SEO practices […]
Web Hosting

Web Hosting, What Is It And Why Do I Need it? Web Hosting is the service of a company providing space on their servers to host your website in order to make it visible on the internet. In today’s world, it has become a must-have. Thanks to the giant companies online shopping is the way […]
Company Check List

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to all our clients. We wanted to take this opportunity to thank you all for your business. We have had a great year and it is all because of you! If you are not a client of ours and are looking to get started this New Year with a new […]
New Year New Site

Well, December is officially upon us and the rest of this year will really fly by thanks to the holiday rush. Company parties, shopping, family and wrapping it is all so wonderful and wonderfully stressful at the same time. Many people look at the new year as a new start. Out with the old and […]
Rank Me Up Before You Go Go

Rank Me Up Before You Go Go So, you have a website and you aren’t ranking as high as you’d like. Everyone needs a little help sometimes and your ranking can make all the difference in the world to your business. Google likes to change its algorithm often and we have to keep up […]
Why Is No One Reading My Blog?

There is nothing more frustrating than giving your time and pouring your heart and soul into a blog piece and then no one is reading it. Why is no one reading my blog? Human vs. Robot Well, first of all don’t fret, even if there truly was not one single person reading your Blog, […]