Mobile Optimization Company Phoenix

If you have a website that isn’t currently considered mobile friendly you may be asking yourself “why do I need a mobile friendly site”?  Consider this; according to Google 94% of smartphone users conduct searches of local businesses via their mobile device.  77% of these searches are actually done while the user is at work or at their home.  These are places that would usually also have desktop computers.  We all rely on our smartphones now more than ever.  Having a mobile friendly site is essential to help your business grow.  Here in the Phoenix area, being impressive to your clients as they perform local searches is essential in helping you gain new customers and decreasing the odds of them going to your competition.   I would encourage you to search your largest competitors from your mobile phone.  How does their site look compared to yours?

How Are Your Visitors Affected?

If your website is not mobile friendly, the experience for the smartphone or tablet user can be horrible.  A non-mobile friendly site requires the viewer to pinch and zoom in order to read and sometimes calls for pushing very tiny links in order to navigate to the page they want.  This experience always results in a high bounce rate.  A bounce rate is the rate at which a user visits a website but then leaves within a few seconds.  The idea is for people who visit your website via their mobile device to have a clean and easy experience.  You want them to be impressed when they arrive and find the site easy to navigate.  This clean and easy experience will encourage them to stay and browse.  It goes without saying that the more they browse the more they learn and your odds of earning a new customer just increased exponentially. 

At NEXTFLY Web Design we put a heavy emphasis on mobile optimization.  Your website needs to look modern and be easy to navigate regardless of the device the viewer is using.  Every site that we build is optimized for mobile viewing and every site is designed to increase traffic from your potential clients.  Your visitors will experience a clean and simple feel and be encouraged to click through your site’s content.  They will also find it very easy to contact you.  Have you ever had to find a company from your mobile device only to have to then search for a pen and paper to write down their phone number?  Better yet, repeat the number to the person sitting next to you aloud so they can help you memorize it as you then find the dialer on your phone?  Worry no more!  When NEXTFLY makes your site mobile friendly, we add a “one click” call option so that visitors to your site will easily be able to call directly with the push of a button.  Creating a call to action like that on the mobile view of your site is a major key to driving in business.

In addition to provide an easy way to call, we also want to provide your mobile viewers with a simple way for them to send you their information.  You will notice today that most websites have a “contact us” section.  Imagine the irritating experience that a potential client viewing your non-mobile friendly site would endure trying to submit their info into those little boxes.  Once again, NEXTFLY to the rescue!  We will make it easy for them to contact you.  Your mobile viewers will easily be able to populate the fields on your form and send it to you.  That is another hugely important call to action that will help you gain prospective clients. 

Here at NEXTFLY, we are in the business of increasing your business.  We specialize in web design, mobile optimization, search engine optimization, logo design and corporate branding.  If you need to enhance your online presence, we are here to help.  We have over 15 years of web design and mobile optimization experience.  With well over 1,000 satisfied business clients, we have become one of the premier web design companies in Phoenix and throughout the country.  Our goal is to help get your business to the next level!

If you would like to get a free consultation and learn how we can help, please fill out the contact us form, call or send an email directly to [email protected].  I will be happy to reach out and discuss your project with you.  I look forward to speaking with you!`

Luke Wiseman
Business Development Manager
[email protected]