How to Save Your Website from a Negative SEO Attack?

How to Save Your Website from a Negative SEO Attack?

Negative SEO attacks on your website can seriously harm your search engine rankings, and make the potential customers distrust you. Thankfully, NEXTFLY, your goto SEO company in Phoenix, knows exactly how to help you fight back those negative SEO attacks.

Be Proactive and Engage in Positive SEO Strategies

The first thing you need to do to avoid a long-term damage to your search engine ranking is start fighting back immediately.  Audit your website pages to locate the issues and errors. Also, run a check on your site content. Is your content low on value and high on keyword-rich generic info? If you don’t have really solid content to back up your authority, your site WILL suffer.

Then run a check on your links and make sure every link is active. Same goes for your Title and Meta Descriptions. If any part of website is not relevant and up-to-date, you are increasing the chances of a long-term damage.

File a Complaint with Google

Yes you can file a complaint with the search engines, like Google and present your case. First, you need to prove to the search engines that your company is legitimate and doesn’t use spammy link building for your SEO campaigns.

If the search engine can see that you are providing value to your audience, and have an authority in your industry, they will listen to you and might even make your ranking stronger than before.

Look for Unknown, Suspicious Links

While you wait for the search engines to act on your complaint, run a thorough check on your site links. See if there are links that you don’t recognize. Message or email the site owners (that those links belong to), and ask them to remove those links.

Disavow the Spam Links

Google has a great disavow tool that you can use to remove the links that appear spammy. Go to your Google Webmaster tools and look for links that may appear suspicious.

You need to be extremely cautious here though. When you see a link you don’t recognize, look where it is coming from instead of removing it right away. You don’t want to delete a quality link by mistake. Once you have recognized the junk links, ask Google to disavow the links.

Disavow the Spam Domains

If you find a spam domain, use the Disavow Domain tool to remove that entire domain from your website profile. If a lot of spam links are coming from one spammy domain (which is most often the case), you can save a lot of time by disavowing the domain and all the spammy links will be removed automatically.

Release Positive Press Releases

If a potential customer Googles your business, and finds negative information on the first page…need we say more? To save your business from such harmful publicity, release positive press releases and be proactive. Make sure the press releases write about your new product or service launches. This might be a bit expensive, but boosts your SEO campaigns in a big way.

Reach out to us today if you’re in need of SEO services in Phoenix or if you’ve been filtered or penalized and need help!