Featured Client – Discount Door and Trim

Featured Client – Discount Door and Trim

We are starting a new tradition here at NEXTFLY where each week we will be featuring a new client.  I love this idea and look forward to connecting with my clients and talking to them each week about their business.

This week we will be focusing on a client we’ve had for several years, Chris Mconaghie, owner of Discount Door and Trim.  I’ve gotten to know Chris over the years and have visited his retail / warehouse location in Mesa several times.  He is a proud father of 4 kids, 3 boys and a girl, and lives with his family in the Mesa AZ area.  Chris founded Discount Door and Trim back in 2010 and with all the hard work from himself and his team, he’s been able to watch his business grow year after year.

About 3 years ago, Chris reached out to us for some guidance on redesigning his website.  At that time he had been utilizing a GoDaddy website builder that he figured out how to use pretty well and had worked his way up to around $100,000 per month in sales on that site.  He had also hired GoDaddy to do a remodel on that site and had spent $5,000 or so and still did not have a functioning new design.  I realized at that time that selling doors and trim online was going to require a custom solution.  Chris tasked our team with building the new site and we went to work.

The major challenge with selling doors online is all of the customization that is required.  At one point we even went out to some very major retailers to see what kind of solutions they had in place on their websites.  We quickly realized that most of those retailers had likely run into the same issue.  There are so many variables on doors and options that a smooth checkout process was going to be hard to achieve.  First of all, the size of the door.  An interior door can range anywhere from 6′ to 8′ with options in between.  Is it a single door or double door?  What kind of door jamb do you need?  Which way will the door swing?  Which side of the double door swings and which direction?  At one point we even installed graphics in the site to illustrate the door swing and help visitors decide.  There are also the hinge options in addition to all of this.  Needless to say, this project took a while to complete.  Chris is an expert on doors and trim, I felt like I was calling him every day with questions for a while.

Since the redesign of his website, Chris is now selling over $200,000 per month through the website.  When I asked him about the results, he attributes the doubling of sales to the doors.  “Before, we weren’t really able to sell doors through the site”.  “The checkout process was too complicated and people would have to call us or come in”.  Orders are now coming directly through the website every day and fulfilled by his team in the warehouse.  The product gets bought online and delivered right to the customer.  Chris is now looking to expand his business into other markets here in Arizona and beyond.  Now that his customers can customize their own doors online, he can replicate his business model anywhere.

We at NEXTFLY want to say thank you to Chris for choosing us as a partner and for letting us feature him on our blog.  I’ve used his website many times as a shining example of what our team is capable of.  If you are ever in need of quality doors or moulding, discounttrimstore.com will deliver!