5 Reasons Your Site Isn’t Getting Any Traffic
Creating a website does not necessarily mean that you’ll automatically have visitors. “If you build it, they will come” certainly doesn’t apply to website traffic. This is a common misconception we encounter daily at Phoenix Web Design. It’s easy to get frustrated when the visitors you hoped for somehow haven’t found their way to your […]
What Questions To Ask A Web Designer?
Before you get started on your next website design project, it’s important to ask a few questions in the hiring process to be sure you are making the most informed decision. Although there could be many more niche based or project based questions that would be important to your particular project, here are a few […]
Connecting with your clients
I’ve always heard in my many years of business consulting that people buy from people they like. I have always known this to be the truth. Having a deeper relationship with your clients will always pay off for them and for you. In many ways, business today has become very transactional. Consumers conduct online research first […]
Setting yourself up for success online
Is your business set up for success online? A strong profile could be the difference between success and failure. Many companies completely miss out on huge opportunities simply because they are portraying themselves poorly online. How many times have you visited a company’s website only to be severely underwhelmed? In today’s business market, having a […]
Creating an online business
Ecommerce has become a standard in today’s market place. If your company isn’t offering products and services online, you may be behind the curve. Transitioning your company’s offerings into the online marketplace has gone from good idea to absolute necessity. Online sales will only continue to play a bigger role in the impact of your […]
What does your website say about your business?
Have you ever researched a company that you planned to do business with only to be completely turned off and unimpressed with the way they portray themselves online? 81% of shoppers will do online research on your business before making any major purchase. If your company has a bad website, you may not be aware […]
Harnessing the power of social media
Have you ever heard of the game 6 degrees of Kevin Bacon? It’s actually kind of fun! If you are a movie buff, you can link any actor back to a movie starring Kevin Bacon in less than 6 moves. The same rules apply in our business lives. According to Wikipedia, the theory known as […]
Is your website mobile friendly?
Nearly 50% of all searches online are now conducted via mobile device. When your website is viewed from a tablet or smartphone, what does it look like? Having a clean view that is concise and easy to navigate is imperative. If your viewers have to pinch and zoom and try to click small links, be […]
10-step guide to hiring the right Web Design Firm
You may realize that your company’s website needs a new look, some updating or maybe you are in need of your first website. You may realize that you have a nice site that no one can find online. Whatever the need may be, it is important to know who to trust when shopping for the […]
Who should I vote for?
This is a list of the pros and cons of Hilary vs. Donald by Luke Wiseman. I watch the news every morning and it seems to be nearly exclusive coverage of our upcoming election. The Republicans just had their convention and the Democratic convention is underway. Both parties seem to be experiencing some discord […]
Customer Service in Phoenix
When I moved to Phoenix 6 years ago, I was on the job hunt almost immediately. My wife works for a big corporation that relocated us to the Valley. I had taken some time off for the move just to get our things in order but once we were settled in I began my search […]
This is a Phoenix Tech Talk. Android vs. IPhone
Having worked for one of the major wireless carriers in Phoenix previously, I have had my choice of phones to use. Vendors like Samsung, Apple, Blackberry, HTC, LG, ZTE, Huawei, Nokia, Microsoft and Google among others wanted us to promote their products and always approached us. The best way to get business reps in Phoenix […]