
Categories and Tags vs Keywords: Which is Better for SEO?

Blogs are fun to write. They’re a great way to help people and Google understand your site and get to know your business a little more. Blogging is great for SEO because Google likes to see new content coming from your site. You may have heard the term “keyword” before, and you may know that […]

Using Location Keywords to Find Customers “Near Me”

When you search on Google for a certain type of business, location is an important factor. Many times, Google might fill in your search for you, by adding “near me” at the end of your search. “Florist Near Me,” “Restaurants Near Me,” “Contactors Near Me.” On the flip side, if you’re a business in the […]

Is Google Changing Article Titles in the Search Results?

If you follow SEO News (which we understand if you don’t, that’s why you follow NEXTFLY for the latest SEO updates), the Twittersphere has been a buzz about Google Changing Article Titles on the SERP (search engine results page). Now, Google changes its algorithm all the time, why is this such a big deal now? […]

How Blogging Improves Your SEO

Remember when blogs were all the rage? Everyone you knew had a blog. Now with social media, more people are sharing updates in short tweets rather than maintaining a blog. You probably enjoy this more. It’s easier to keep up-to-date with friends and family on Twitter and Facebook rather than reading a bunch of blogs […]

How to Charm the Hesitant (read: Skeptic) Buyers

The trickiest part of running an online business is finding new customers, who are skeptics more often than not. Your favorite Phoenix web design company, NEXTFLY, brings you some great tips on how to earn their trust. Keep reading to find out how to conquer skeptical buyers and increase revenue. Avoid Jargon What’s going to […]

How to Come Up With Best SEO Blog Post Ideas

When you decide to create a new blog, the most common advice is to choose a niche that you can talk about all day long. At NEXTFLY, we wouldn’t be wrong to admit that you need constant creative inspiration – in addition to passion – to come up with fresh topics every week. Whether you’ve […]

Rank Me Up Before You Go Go

Rank Me Up Before You Go Go   So, you have a website and you aren’t ranking as high as you’d like. Everyone needs a little help sometimes and your ranking can make all the difference in the world to your business.  Google likes to change its algorithm often and we have to keep up […]

Why Is No One Reading My Blog?

There is nothing more frustrating than giving your time and pouring your heart and soul into a blog piece and then no one is reading it. Why is no one reading my blog? Human vs. Robot   Well, first of all don’t fret, even if there truly was not one single person reading your Blog, […]

It’s Fall Ya’ll

I grew up in the Texas panhandle and it has a very similar climate to the desert. It was dry, hot and unlike the rest of Texas not humid at all. Cool mornings, hot afternoons and cold nights. Where it differs from Arizona and the rest of Texas in general is that the Panhandle does […]

A Blog for SEO and the reader too!

A blog is an incredible vehicle to loading your website full of fresh content.   While it may be tempting to cater more toward what the search engines want to see, it is equally important to captivate your human audience. Here are some successful strategies to employ when creating a blog that search engines love and […]

Bounce Rate Issues?

computer screen displaying webpage

Bounce Rate Issues   Several times this week I have had current clients and potential clients ask why their current bounce rate is so high on their website, or just general questions regarding bounce rate. The truth is, there are several factors that cause your website to have a high bounce rate, or how quickly […]

Back To School

Back To School Summer is my favorite time of year; I love hanging out with family and friends and getting a chance to just sort of reset our life. Swimming in the backyard, cookouts with friends and maybe a little vacation. The days are long, and the nights are full of movies and board games. […]

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