Which Digital Advertising Option is Best For Me?

Which Digital Advertising Option is Best For Me?

Advertising your business or service is easier than ever these days. You’re no longer confined to settling for radio, television, newspaper, and billboards anymore. Not only is it cheaper to advertise, but you can also get a quantitative number on exactly how many people have seen your ad and then visited your website. Whereas before, a television station might only guarantee how many viewers will “see” your ad. But with Digital Advertising you can always keep revisiting your clients to encourage them to make a purchase and then see how effective your marketing was.

If all of this sounds confusing, don’t worry. NEXTFLY has this handy guide to help you learn about your Digital Advertising options. If you have any questions, feel free to contact us and we can help you decide which advertising option works best for you.

Digital Advertising Options

There are lots of options for digital advertising out there. We’re going to break them down so you can understand which option is right for you.

SEO (Search Engine Optimization)

Search Engine Optimization is when you add keywords to your website for things you want to be known for. Let’s say you’re a construction company and you want to show up on the first page of Google when people search “Phoenix Construction Company.”

If “Phoenix Construction Company” is not anywhere on your website, Google might not understand what your business is about. Optimizing your website for the keywords that you want to show up for can help more people find your company faster.

Another way to improve your website’s visibility is to make sure your website has a good link structure. If the URL’s for your website pages are long and full of numbers and not page titles, this can confuse Google. There are many other SEO tools that can help improve your website’s visibility on search engines. It’s definitely worth an investment to optimize your website.

Pay-Per-Click (Google Ads)

You may have heard of PPC or “Pay-per-click” advertising. If you’ve optimized your website and you’re still not showing up on page one, PPC advertising puts you at the top of the first page of Google when visitors search for your keywords.

Each keyword comes with a price. So if you want to pay for the keywords “Phoenix Construction Company,” but there are a lot of other businesses also paying for that keyphrase, it might cost more to show up for every time someone searches that phrase.

What’s great about Pay-Per-Click advertising is that you only pay when your ad appears. You can easily set a budget and change it at any time. Your ads will never go over your budget. If your business is slow in a particular season, you can decrease your budget and then increase it before your busy season. You can also target customers in a certain area or run your ads at particular times of the day.

Digital Advertising with Social Media is a great way to increase awareness to your website

Social Media Marketing (Facebook Ads)

If you have a company social media site, you may have noticed a little “boost” button at the bottom of your posts. This boost button can turn your post into an ad that will appear in potential customers’ feeds based on their interests. Social media marketing is a great Digital Advertising option to build awareness of your business. Since Facebook owns Instagram, your Facebook ads can appear on both platforms. Twitter, Snapchat, and Linkedin also offer ads. Linkedin ads might be a good option specifically for b2b businesses.


Have you ever been shopping online and you look at a certain product, and then you see ads for that product on Facebook and other websites later that day? That’s a remarketing/retargeting campaign.

This kind of Digital Advertising campaign is great to drive conversions. Force customers to buy specific products based on what they’ve looked at. This uses website cookies to track users, so even when they use a different device later, the cookies tell your website that this is still the same person who looked at certain products. By poking your customers about your products multiple times, you will prompt them to make a purchase.

Email Marketing

Email marketing is a great way to stay engaged with your customers who already like your website. Your customers need to opt into your email list, meaning that they like your site and what you have to offer. Creating an email list and a signup form is free. From there, you can prompt your fans and customers to revisit your website with deals and ads on certain products. If you have a blog, setting up an email list that automatically sends your newest blogs to your customers is easy. This marketing strategy keeps up engagement with your customers so they return to your website.

Mobile advertising is an increasingly popular digital advertising optionMobile Marketing

If you play any free mobile games on your phone, you’ve most likely seen mobile ads. They usually play in between levels. Mobile advertising also includes text message advertisements and banners that you see at the bottom of your screen while using an app. Because so many people use their phone as their dominate web browsing device, mobile marketing is becoming a popular option for reaching customers where they spend the most time and captures their interest and attention.

Video Marketing

Video advertisements are another Digital Advertising option that’s great for building awareness. These ads play during or before a video on a video streaming site like Youtube. Google encourages you to keep your videos short, like around 5 seconds, no more than 10. While video advertising is a great way to engage your audience, you may need to hire a production company to make your ads and come up with a strategy for a video campaign.

Ask NEXTFLY How Digital Advertising Can Help You

Now that you know the Digital Advertising options available to you, you need to think about the goals of your advertising campaign. Do you want to create awareness for your business so more customers learn about it? Do you want customers to complete a certain action like buying a product or filling out a signup form? Your goals will help us figure out the best option for you. Contact NEXTFLY to talk about your goals and set up a digital marketing campaign for your business.