ADA Website Regulations Phoenix

The Americans with Disabilities Act was signed into law in 1990. This law stated that those with disabilities cannot be discriminated against. All public spaces should be accessible to persons with disabilities. Think about how many sidewalks you see with ramps for wheelchairs or railings on stairs. Items like these are very helpful for those with disabilities.

But the outdoor environment isn’t the only place that needs to be accessible for everyone. The internet is also a public place that also needs to be accessible to everyone. If your website isn’t ADA compliant, it’s like you took all the ramps off the sidewalks in front of your store. According to the CDC: 1 in 4 US adults have a disability. So if your website doesn’t follow ADA Website Regulations Phoenix, you might lose a quarter of your potential visitors and customers. Call Nextfly today to learn more about how to make your website ADA compliant.

How Do I Know If My Website Follows ADA Website Regulations?

If you just had a new website built, it doesn’t automatically come with compliance integration. There are many different ways your website needs to be accessible to different types of users. Not every person who has a disability is blind. Many people have mobility, hearing, and cognition disabilities, and your website should be accommodating to all of your users. There are 9 ways you can meet ADA Website Regulations Phoenix by including specific elements to your website that make it easier for those with disabilities to navigate.

  • Headings and Titles – make sure your headings are relevant to your page content
  • Text and Font – avoid dense paragraphs of text and use attractive elements like bulleted lists.
  • Tables – if there are tables on your site, be sure that all fields are filled out. Tables are best for data and not website layouts, so make sure they include as much information as possible.
  • Colors – Incorporating a high-contrast color scheme is also helpful for those who are colorblind.
  • Images – Make sure all your pictures and graphic elements have alt text that can be read by a screen reader.
  • Navigation – Your website needs to be navigable by both keyboard and keyboard equivalents. Keep the information in a consistent location.
  • Enhance Your Media – include text captions for the deaf and audio descriptions to images or videos.
  • Provide a “Skip Navigation” at the top of your pages – this will help those using screen readers to get directly to the content.
  • Avoid PDFs – they cannot be read by screen readers or text enlargement programs.

If your website is lacking in any of these areas, contact Nextfly to see how we can help improve your website for compliance.

Do Disabled People Visit My Website?

You might think your website doesn’t need to be compliant because your business doesn’t specifically target individuals with disabilities. That’s not the case. Disabled people need everyday items and services just like able-bodied individuals. These ADA Website Regulations Phoenix are a must for any consumer business. If you are a B2B business, you don’t need to follow these guidelines, but it certainly doesn’t hurt.

In fact, technological advances like the internet are incredibly helpful for those with disabilities. Many disabled people rely on services from the internet for shopping, food, information, transportation, banking, entertainment, and other needs just like you do. So if you don’t think your website needs to be compliant for disabled people, think again.

ADA Website Regulations Phoenix are meant to keep the internet inclusive for those with disabilities

What Are The Consequences of Not Following ADA Website Regulations Phoenix?

The Americans with Disabilities Act is a federal law, but it is regulated and enforced differently in different states. It mainly applies to any government program website that provides information on services. Recently, all colleges and university websites were mandated to be ADA compliant since they offer education to all people, regardless of disability. Lately, lawsuits have become more prevalent against sites that are not ADA compliant. Usually, these lawsuits don’t award the plaintiffs money in damages. Instead, they require their sites to be fixed. These lawsuits are only becoming more widespread, especially among small to medium-sized businesses. And if your website isn’t up to standards following the lawsuit, you could be sued again.

Being able to accommodate as many disabilities as possible is never a bad thing. Complying with ADA Website Regulations Phoenix can benefit your business in many ways.

  • Gain Customers – If disabled people can navigate your site easily, they’ll be more likely to make a conversion.
  • Enhance Brand Perception – visitors will appreciate your willingness to be progressive and accommodating, which only helps your reputation.
  • Better SEO – Google takes accessibility into consideration when looking at your core web vitals. Your site will show up higher on search engines if it is accessible and easy to read on all devices for all users.

Contact Nextfly to Ensure Your Website Meets ADA Website Regulations Phoenix

Nextfly is offering free ADA Compliance reviews. We’ll let you know where your site is lacking and how it can be improved. From there, we’ll determine pricing for optimizing your website based on the number of pages you have. We can add tools and applications to make sure your website meets ADA Website Regulations Phoenix is a smooth experience for all of your users. Contact us today to learn more.