Working While in Quarantine

Working While in Quarantine

With all of the publicity of late surrounding the coronavirus, our nation has become very aware of how germs are spread and how important it is to take precautionary measures.  While these are very scary times, it’s more important now than ever before that we find ways to continue to be productive at work while at the same time protecting ourselves and our families from a potentially harmful outbreak.

In this article, we look forward to sharing with you some helpful tips about how to stay productive while at the same time keeping yourself and your family protected and out of harm’s way.

Our Web Design Company located in Goodyear Arizona is a small office.  My coworkers and I all work in very close proximity to each other on a daily basis.  We typically find that we work better in person and keep each other motivated and productive on a weekly basis.  Physically working together promotes a healthy team atmosphere and allows us to effectively collaborate on projects.  But, is it completely necessary for us to be together in an office?  The answer is definitely no.  While working together in person has its benefits, we are blessed to work in an industry that is mostly virtual.  Our clients are scattered all over the country.  I personally have many clients that I’ve known for years but have never met in person.  While we realize that not everyone works at Phoenix Web Design Company like ours and some are built around physically being present, it’s important to find ways to accomplish team goals without sharing germs and being at risk.  Here are a few ideas that we are using as a company to help combat the coronavirus.

Hygiene – I’m not going to go into this.  Disinfect your home and workspace every day, spend at least 30 seconds washing your hands, avoid people who are sick.  We all know that.

Virtual Meetings – We have always had a great report with our clients and in-person meetings have always been the preferred method with our local clients.  We have now taken measures to ensure that we are safe by mandatorily using virtual meetings.  In Web Design, it’s just as effective for us to share our screen with a client and show them ideas and solutions.  This also saves us a lot of time.  We no longer will be driving across town and spending 2 hours on the road each day.  We can simply jump online and work through projects with our clients.

Limit your exposure – We are all still going to have to be in crowded areas from time to time.  I personally plan to stay away from these situations as often as possible and remain vigilant in my efforts to share air with as little people as possible.  My wife and I are also discussing the idea of keeping our kids home from school this coming week.  Our local schools have had no reports of coronavirus but the idea of an outbreak and how quickly that could happen have us a little more on the cautious side.

Essential Personnel only – Take a look at your business and decide who needs to be physically present and who could work from home.  Let anyone who can work from home do it.  Take every measure possible to protect your employees and allow them every resource to stay safe.  This may sound overboard at this point, but it wouldn’t hurt to take everyone’s temperature each morning when they arrive at work.  Make time daily to disinfect your workspaces and keep a large supply of products to do so.  I personally feel like this is all going to blow over, but in the meantime, protect your personnel.

Have a plan- Run through scenarios in your mind about what to do if the situation does escalate.  Make sure you have every preventative measure in place and what to do next if things don’t go as planned.

Don’t worry – Panic is the thing to fear most about this.  We’ve already seen some results of it in our stock market.  If you stay calm, the people around you will also feed off of that.  If you panic, everyone else will too.  Be a beacon of calmness and don’t worry.  There are only certain groups of people in our country that are at high risk.  It is of the utmost importance that we protect those groups, specifically the elderly and people with compromised immune systems.  To the rest of us, this is just the flu.  We’ve been through this before so stay calm and be safe.