How to Charm the Hesitant (read: Skeptic) Buyers

How to Charm the Hesitant (read: Skeptic) Buyers

The trickiest part of running an online business is finding new customers, who are skeptics more often than not. Your favorite Phoenix web design company, NEXTFLY, brings you some great tips on how to earn their trust.

Keep reading to find out how to conquer skeptical buyers and increase revenue.

Avoid Jargon

What’s going to drive the already skeptic buyer further away? Unnecessary jargon and use of buzzwords. Yep, they see right through it. Skeptical buyers are always on high alert for things that sound good yet don’t mean anything.

The only way you can convince them is by showing how your products are genuinely going to make their life easier is by putting it down in simple, everyday language without the use of filler words and fancy lingo. If you cannot do this, you’re never going to see them again.


If you are not an established business, potential buyers may justifiably have doubts about investing their hard earned money into your products. However, they will trust other customers. Showcase testimonials on your website and use case studies for specific customer concerns to build trust and establish credibility.

While you may be unsuccessful in swaying a potential customer with your success story, testimonials and other kinds of social proof will surely help with conversions. Be careful to not edit your testimonials to leave out the negative feedback, it diminishes your credibility.

Bring in the Stats

Skeptical prospects may believe your claims when it’s backed by cold, hard data. When you’re making value statements to market your products, reinforce it with some statistics. If you don’t have any stats to back up what you’re selling, you probably shouldn’t make that claim.

Whenever you can, reframe value statements to include verifiable statistics and be very specific. Doing this no longer makes your message seem vague or hypothetical.

Answer their Questions

Never try to evade questions of skeptical buyers, they will definitely notice it. As mentioned before, avoid jargon, industry terms, and buzzwords at all costs. Only give straight answers.

Mis-directions will make the skeptic buyers think that you’re hiding something, reinforcing the idea that you are only interested in pushing your own agenda i.e. making maximum sales. Even admitting to some drawbacks that you do have will gain you the customer’s respect and trust.

Guide Customer Expectations

It is highly important to know what your customers’ expectations are. You should be on the lookout for constant feedback from your customers to get this insight. Ask them what their expectations were as new customers and if these expectations were met.

This is valuable information as you need to know whether your business should match their expectations or not. If your customer’s expectations are wrong, you need to know how to educate them.

Every business has to deal with difficult skeptics. This is really your moment to shine as a business. There is no greater achievement than converting a skeptic audience into a happy customer.

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