Company Check List

Company Check List

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to all our clients. We wanted to take this opportunity to thank you all for your business. We have had a great year and it is all because of you! If you are not a client of ours and are looking to get started this New Year with a new website, we would love to talk to you and see what we can do to help you. Here are a few tips when looking for a company:

Check their SEO

First off google web design in your area and see how their SEO ranks compared to their competitors. This is especially important if SEO is something that you are interested in. You should get a good feel really quickly on how well they know they know their SEO depending on where they are ranking themselves. Ok, so you Googled them, and they rank pretty high on page one, check.

Check their Portfolio

Secondly, I would look through their portfolio. If they do not have one or its very minimal, I’d move on to another option. If they have a decent portfolio I would look through and I would find a few different examples and go to those sites and look through the pages. Is the layout clean and easy to navigate, are all the pages working? Do you like the overall look and feel? So you checked out the portfolio and you liked what you see, check.

Call them Up

Next, give them a call. In this digital age, it is sometimes hard to talk to an actual person, now this is just a personal preference for me, but I want to call and know that if I want to or need to an actual human will talk to me. I think this is even more personal in the web design industry because there are still many people out there who need a site and are still not overly comfortable with computers or even the internet. It is comforting to talk to someone and have them help when needed. It can also be difficult to portray an idea over email, usually, the phone can turn 10 emails into a 3-minute conversation.  Talking to the perspective company over the phone you can also tell pretty quickly if they seem to know what they are talking about. You called, they answered, and they seemed knowledgeable, check.

Look Over quote


Now that you have done a bit of research on the company and talked to them about your design, they have probably sent you a quote. Check over the quote and make sure that there isn’t anything in there that you are unsure of, and if so, don’t be afraid to call and ask for clarification. Do they offer hosting, or do they require you to host with them? I would steer clear from companies who require you to host with them. It is easier as the hosting company if the client does host with you, if problems do arise…but if they aren’t giving you any options it may be a red flag. You also want to make sure that you are buying your domain name yourself. It may more convenient for the company to do all of that work for you but later on, down the road it can become a mess if you want to part ways.

Call Us

Give Nextfly a call and we would love the chance to earn your business and help bring your website vision to life!