What are you thankful for?

What are you thankful for?

It’s that time of year again and we here at NEXTFLY wanted to take some time to reflect on this last year and everything that we are thankful for.  Here is a list of many things that I am thankful for in my life, thank you for letting me share my list with you!


  • Our God – We may not all share the same beliefs, but I know that my personal faith in God has given me the abilities that I have and helped me to grow as person and an employee. The values that we hold dear enable us to treat our clients with integrity and respect.  Our moral values as a company teach us to always put the interests or our clients first and to always do the right thing.  As my Dad used to say, “Always do the right thing, because that is the right thing to do”.  Through God all things are possible.  For me, I will let my faith lead the way and put my trust in Him.
  • Our Country – I know that over the last few years the country has seemed divided at times. While this may still be the case, we still have a lot to be thankful for.  I believe that we live in the greatest nation in the world.  I am thankful for our freedom and even more thankful for the men and women who sacrificed their lives so that we can enjoy these freedoms.  I am thankful to be part of such a great economy.  Most of us here in the US enjoy great working conditions.
  • Our family – My wife Samantha and I celebrated our 15-year wedding anniversary this year. Our oldest daughter Addison is in high school while our youngest daughter Tori is a straight A student in the 4th  They grow up very fast.  I am thankful for all the time that I get to spend raising them up to be strong young women.
  • Our Jobs – I love my job! I used to drive 1 hour and 15 minutes each way to get to work.  I was in a highly competitive and often times cutthroat industry that surrounded me with immense pressure.  I am thankful for all the amazing people that I work with.  Our team at NEXTFLY is around 15 people strong.  Each and every one of us brings a very unique set of talents to the table.  My commute now is about 15 minutes each way with almost no traffic to contend with.  I get to meet people from all walks of life on a weekly basis and discuss their business and how our Phoenix Web Design Company can help them.  2019 was a huge year for NEXTFLY in Phoenix.  We opened our new offices in Goodyear.  I am thankful to have such a nice place to come work each day.  I have an awesome view and I’m surrounded by the best coworkers of all time!
  • Our Clients – We have so many great companies that hire us for their Web Design and Digital Marketing needs. My favorite part of my job is watching small businesses become hyper successful almost overnight after utilizing our services.  The most rewarding part of my job is how thankful our clients are to us after we’ve helped them.  2019 was an incredible year for our business and I know that 2020 will be even better still.  I want to say thank you to all of our clients, you know who you are!
  • Arizona – This time of year especially, you can look around the country and see that snow is falling and people are preparing for the long winter ahead. We used to live in Indiana, while I do miss the people there, I don’t miss that weather.  I am thankful for our sunny days even in winter.  I am thankful for our cool nights around the fire pit.  This is our 10th Thanksgiving in Arizona and every year I am thankful to God for bringing my family to this beautiful place!
  • Our friends – Over the years I have developed some lifelong friendships. I am very thankful to have a strong core group of friends to enjoy life with.  We have been blessed to live in a beautiful community surrounded by a lot of like-minded families.  Arizona has so much to do and see, it’s great to have close friends to enjoy it with.

It is nice to take some time out and write down everything that you are thankful for.  It’s often easy in life to focus on the things that you don’t have or the things that aren’t going the way you planned.  If you take a moment to reflect, you can easily count all of your blessings.


Happy Thanksgiving!