Phoenix SEO

Are you having trouble attracting new business online or curious as to why you are on the low end of a search engine results? You feel like you have done everything right, you have a great looking website, an incredibly user-friendly site with loads of content, and yet still your Phoenix business is not booming with web traffic.

Google search

Why you ask…Well it’s simple, your website needs help with its Search Engine Optimization or SEO.  If you do a web search for your business and you do not show up on the first page, well, you may as well be on the last page. Very few of your Phoenix customers are looking past page one to find what they are looking for. So that means page one is where you want to be, and Nextfly’s Phoenix SEO service can get you there!

I speak with people week in and week out looking for a beautiful web design and a way to get the word out about their Phoenix-based business.  Every one of these conversations always comes to the topic of proper SEO and what it takes to be highly visible online with proper SEO.  It is always important to set the right expectations of what it takes to climb the ranks in Google’s eyes.  After all, it may be easier to be on page 1 of a Yahoo or Bing search, but Google is the only Search Engine that matters.

Phoenix Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

Search engine optimization (SEO) has literally become the standard in terms of enabling Phoenix business’s websites like yours to come out in front in today’s internet marketplace. Phoenix SEO means the difference between having your web pages tucked behind hundreds (if not thousands) of indexed search engine pages. It will not only provide the opportunity to achieve better Page Rank, enabling your Phoenix website to appear in the highly-coveted first few positions of a searcher’s results, which is very important. However, there are other factors like keyword density and placement, link popularity and more that make Page Rank only a portion of the Phoenix SEO success formula.

Phoenix SEOProper SEO is essentially a way to fast track your company to the top of the search results.  Covering a ton of ground in a short amount of time is never easy and requires good habits and a lot of work.   To do it right you need content, content and more content.  Google puts a big focus on tenure as well, so the more time your site has been online the better your SEO.  They also put a huge focus on “fresh” content.  Updating your site all the time can be tiresome but completely necessary.  I always recommend a blog for every business.  Write an article once a week and post it to your site.  This fresh content will help fast track your SEO.  By the way, that is what we are doing to make sure we always rank well here in Phoenix as well.  It is also of the utmost importance to Google to use your keywords often but without being spammy.

Let’s not forget all of your Social Media accounts, we recommend an emphasis on Social Media to improve your SEO.  The more traffic you can create to your site the better. Therefore, you want to be sure to utilize those existing relationships that you have worked so hard to build.

One of the last and most important parts about SEO in Phoenix is to not rely totally on your SEO for your business’ marketing plan.  Many times, we have customers who launch a new business and expect us to make their site #1 overnight.  While we would love to do so, we have a clear and strong understanding of SEO and what it takes to be successful.   You still need to continue to use every avenue at your disposal to promote your business.  Through hard work, networking, continually adding fresh content to your site combined with proper SEO techniques you will get to the top.

At NEXTFLY Web Design here in Phoenix, we consider ourselves not only a contender in Phoenix but the best SEO Company in the state.  Not because we outrank the legacies here but because we are starting to scare them.  We know what it takes to get your company to page #1 with proper SEO. We have seen the success ourselves with our own Phoenix web design company. We know that the best SEO Company in Phoenix is NEXTFLY because of how far we’ve climbed in such a short time.  Leaving your competition in the dust always feels good.

When we design your website, we offer free coaching on improving your SEO along with a 2-hour training on how to manage content on your website.  Properlyutilizing the tools that we give you will guarantee your success. If you are interested in improving your SEO in Phoenix and moving up the ranks, please give us a call.  Your competition will take notice and you will reap the rewards!


Give us a call (480)630-9992